Thursday, December 12, 2013

Yes, please!

There was a bake sale at work today which normally makes me very sad. But my sweet colleague rushed back from buying cookies to tell me that someone had brought something gluten free and I rushed in and bought the first piece of the most delicious pumpkin praline cake. I would have bought more, but I wasn't feeling well, and also I got the recipe so I can make it later.

I realize this blog ends up being a lot about food, but that's my life--kids, home, work, kids, work, home, and food is my hobby. So is fashion. If only there were a way to make food and fashion go together and pay well. I'm pretty sure that's not possible.

OK, possible, but not a very good idea. Who wants to wear a dress made out of chocolate that not only can melt but looks like an apron? I mean other than the model they paid to wear it?

Chocolate dresses may not be better than a brownie, but this adorable little girl is.

She's not pretending to talk on the phone. Her kindergarten class was singing in a Christmas program and she decided to sign the words to the song as a surprise for her parents who are deaf. She does a great job and is just as cute as can be and way better than that fake interpreter at Mandela's funeral. And to her mom, you are doing an amazing job.

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