Saturday, November 23, 2013

Not home alone

I spent most of the day in the car. We went to 3 grocery stores--4 if you count Bed Bath & Beyond which is apparently now a grocery store. It's a new expanded version and they carry all the brands from World Market. It's awesome. More gluten-free stuff than I've ever seen in one place. It was even better than Wegman's and I was impressed with that! They had gluten-free porcini pasta and carbonara sauce and the best almond cookies I've ever had, with or without flour. I think I'm in love with a grocery store.

I went to BB&B because my friend "Jana" and I were running errands together because that is the only time we've had to spend together in a couple of weeks. Jana moved back to DC from overseas at the end of the summer and since she also has three children and a husband who works a lot, so I never saw her but we decided we have to make time, so today we went and exchanged an ottoman she bought that had a tear in it and did some grocery shopping. Because we've know each other for years and years and years, we don't have to do anything entertaining. All moms multitask, so if the only way we can catch up is while returning broken furniture, we'll do it.

But after catching up with Jana, I drove way far away to meet some other friends for dinner. These girls I've known for 17 years now. We all have daughters the same age and it's been fun to watch them grow up together. The children all used to play with each other, although now they're just friends on facebook. So every once in a while, we ditch the children and husbands and go have dinner and chat and compare notes on where to shop for prom dresses, what movies we've seen lately, and when should we all run away to NYC and see a Broadway show together. We're thinking that after Houdini opens with Hugh Jackman might be a good time. That could be awesome.

These are the almond horn cookies, and they are almost as good as brownies. I will definitely be buying them again.

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